Water and Water Resources

It is the origin of life and we depend on it to cultivate our vineyards and olive groves, to develop our products and, sometimes, to generate our energy. All living beings depend on it and, even so, the lack of water has become one of the greatest challenges facing our society.

Bearing these challenges in mind, we have been developing several initiatives over the years to reduce water consumption associated with our activities, whether through consumption monitoring programs by department or through process optimization.

Soil Geology

During this journey, we realized that it would be important to better understand our soils and their characteristics, in order to optimize our routine agricultural management practices, such as soil analysis, irrigation water management, restructuring of vineyard plots, among others.

Integrated System

In the agricultural sector, the production method used is decisive in the quality and fertility of the soil, in the natural protection capacity of the vineyards and olive groves and, consequently, in the quality of the grapes, olives, wines and olive oils produced.

Producing in a rational and responsible way depends largely on our company culture, on asking questions and finding the best answers, whether in the type of agriculture used, the materials chosen for packaging, the quantity and type of energy and resources used, waste management and, very importantly, in the relationship with the people involved with our company.


Aware of the growing challenges related to energy availability, generation and consumption, we have been developing an energy efficiency strategy in recent years.